9:00 am
Adult Bible Study & Sunday School
10:00 am
Morning Worship Service
Nurseries Provided
Children’s Church K-5 thru 3rd
5:30 pm
Evening Service
Nurseries Provided
Birth to 3 Years Old
7:00 pm
Midweek Prayer Service
Family Bible Institute
Youth Meetings
Nurseries Provided
Birth to 2 Years Old
First Baptist Church exists to magnify God’s name in the world through the assembling of believers together, that through genuine godly living, and by intentionally engaging in God-honoring relationships with the unsaved, our believers would challenge others to fulfill the Great Commission, and glorify God.
The Gospel is the good news of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ, into the world. He, being fully God and fully man, lived a perfect life of obedience before the Father and willingly, voluntarily suffered for the sin of mankind by the shedding of his blood on the cross of Calvary. It is only through his sacrifice and subsequent resurrection from the dead that sinful man can be reconciled to a holy God.
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