Friday, April 18, 2025 ∼ 7:00 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2025 ∼ 10:00 AM

Easter Dinner

Friday, April 18
5:30 pm


Roasted Chicken
Potato Knish
Fish Cakes w/Dill Sauce
Vegetable Cous Cous Salad
Purple Slaw
Challah Bread
Apple Cake
Pomegranate Punch & Coffee

$8.00 per person

Please call for reservations

About the presentation …

Perhaps the most distinctive characteristic of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry was the impact He had on the lives of individuals. Though we read about occasions where He ministered to large groups of people, many of the most poignant recordings in the gospels are those moments when Jesus was personally engaged in the life experiences of individuals. Persons who experienced Jesus in this manner were dramatically changed. Some were healed. Others changed their lives and career paths. Some instantly turned from their sinful ways, while others rejected His teachings with hardened hearts. No one, though, left such an encounter with Jesus unchanged in some way.

Touched by the Christ recalls the last days of Jesus’ earthly life. It does so, though, through the eyes of individuals who were directly impacted by His ministry. Some of these persons had known Jesus for many years, while others encountered Him for the first time in the final days of His earthly life. Regardless of the context, His influence was significant and life-changing.

Touched by the Christ is an invitation to walk the path to the foot of the cross. There we are met by the One who invites us to be changed by His eternal love and grace. It is a reminder that He who changed the live, of individuals in the first century is still in the business of doing so today.

—Lloyd Larson & David Burke

Touched by the Christ is presented by the Choir & Orchestra of First Baptist Church of Troy under the direction of Ben Dawley.

The music for Touched by the Christ is composed by Lloyd Larson, narration is by David Burke and orchestration is by Brant Adams. The cantata is published by the Lorenz Corporation.

Nursery provided for children 4 years old and under.